Wisconsin Inter County Agreement

The Wisconsin Inter-County Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you live in Wisconsin, you may have heard of the inter-county agreement. This is a formal agreement between counties in the state, designed to facilitate the sharing of resources and services between them. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at this agreement and what it means for residents of the state.

What is the Wisconsin Inter-County Agreement?

The inter-county agreement is a formal agreement between counties in Wisconsin. It is designed to promote regional cooperation, and to ensure that services and resources are shared effectively between counties. The agreement covers a range of areas, including:

– Transportation services

– Emergency management services

– Health and human services

– Land use and zoning

– Economic development

The agreement is voluntary, and counties are free to opt in or opt out as they see fit.

Why was the Inter-County Agreement Established?

The inter-county agreement was established in order to address a number of issues faced by local governments in Wisconsin. One of the main challenges facing counties in the state is the need to provide a wide range of services and resources to residents, despite limited budgets and resources.

By sharing resources and services between counties, the inter-county agreement helps to reduce duplication of services and invest resources more effectively. This can help to improve service quality and reduce costs for residents of the state.

What are the Benefits of the Inter-County Agreement?

The inter-county agreement offers a number of benefits to residents of Wisconsin.

Firstly, it helps to ensure that services and resources are shared effectively between counties. This can help to reduce duplication of services and investment, maximizing the impact of limited resources.

Secondly, the agreement helps to promote regional cooperation, encouraging counties to work together towards shared goals. This can help to build stronger relationships between counties and improve communication and coordination between them.

Finally, the agreement helps to promote economic development in the state. By working together to attract business and investment to the region, counties can help to create more jobs and improve the overall economic health of the state.


The Wisconsin inter-county agreement is an important tool for promoting regional cooperation and ensuring that services and resources are shared effectively between counties. It offers a range of benefits to residents of the state, including improved service quality, reduced costs, and improved economic development.

If you are interested in learning more about the inter-county agreement, we recommend contacting your local county government office for more information.
